Vendor Relationship Building

Posted by deonhuff on October 8, 2014



How Well Do You Know Your Vendors?

It’s extremely important to build relationships with your vendors and those around you can bring in new customers/clients and increase awareness of your company branding.

The people you work directly with on your products and services are really the ones with the most to gain when you find success. By taking the time to get to know them, you’ll find a whole host of opportunities you didn’t realize were there.

Look for great ways to offer your vendors rewards for helping grow your business and everyone wins. One of ways you can do this is by offering performance based incentives that are much larger than their normal charges.

Here’s the step-by-step process to putting together a partnership with a vendor:

  1. Approach all the vendors you work with and offer an incentive based on performance.
  2. Put the generous incentive plan together from their perspective, even take suggestions.
  3. Develop a clear, concise and easy to track incentive plan, this will increase competition between vendors and therefore higher performance levels.
  4. One of the key success factors to Vendor Relationship Building and gaining greater success is in Education! Educating your vendors on your brand or services will help you increase sales, grow your customer base and increase profits!
  5. Encourage subsequent sales instead of focusing only on the initial sale. By doing this you can give away more of the profit from the initial sale to your vendors and make higher profits off the back end products. Encourage:
  • Future sales
  • Upsell better and more profitable products/services
  • Cross-sell to additional products

A tact of increasing vendor relationship building is to create an incentive plan that’s irresistible to your vendors by offering generous, exclusive compensation.

Think of all the vendors you work with and the creative ways you can put together an incentive plan that entices them to be part of your business. Use their talents, capabilities and connections and you’ll both be winners.

Putting together an incentive plan doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Use our FREE test drive to come up with some great ideas and put your incentive plan together for maximum results.

We provide the following to our clients Marketing Help, Create a successful business strategy and fundaments to grow their business to greater success, we help them overcome the Lead Generation Mistakes than stop grow and we Grow Multi-Million Dollar Businesses. We helped a Dog-Walker go from $500 to $500K in less than 24 months.

Successful business owners take growth actions daily! They take advantage of business opportunities that will allow them to make more money, gain more customers and out market their competition. We help entrepreneurs build a successful business, learn how to create a market dominating position and receive all the leads to build a company that gross MILLIONS or MULTI-MILLIONS in annual sales. Lets get you on the road to greater success by visiting: and for those seeking to start a business. While you are there request for FREE “The 3 biggest Lead Generation Mistakes Small Businesses Make….And How to Overcome Them All”

You can also apply for our Small Business Economic Growth Grant for a huge discount on our $50K online lead generation coaching:

Telemarketing Tips for Success

Posted by deonhuff on August 22, 2014

Telemarketing Tips For Success

Telemarketing Tips For Success – It is NOT the Anti-Christ. Today you’ll learn how to use direct mail marketing and, yes, telemarketing to your full advantage. I know, the word “telemarketing” might as well be four letters, but there is a way to help customers feel like they are getting personal attention and keep them from blocking your number!

With the success direct mail marketing has had and the availability of computers, these can be used as a powerful marketing tool for your success. Telemarketing is best for high priced, high margin products/services.

Here are the key steps to putting together a highly effective direct mail marketing program.

Telemarketing tips for success:

  1. List all benefits customers will get from the purchase of your products and services.
  2. Pick the single most powerful benefit out of that list.
  3. Build an attention-getting headline around that benefit. Remember to use emotion-fulfill the desire to be young, wealthy, desired, popular or successful.
  4. Develop a sales letter using the headline you created to grab attention, provide information and motivate customers to act.
  5. Put together supplementary items, such as a brochure, order form, reply envelope or note that encourages them to read the letter.
  6. Rent or purchase a mailing list.
  7. Compare cost of mailing vs. cost per order.
  8. Continue to test and refine your direct mail marketing plan.

Telemarketing Tips for Success

You can see how direct mail marketing can help you find a local or even country-wide target market to send letters or postcards to and draw in new clientele and customers. Fine-tuning your marketing campaign will bring better results and therefore lower the overall cost of the campaign.

To be successful in telemarketing you need to:

  • Put together a plan, so you know exactly what you want to accomplish during the call.
  • Develop a list of topics to discuss and the questions you want to present around these topics.
  • Input verbiage checking to see if you are calling at a good time.
  • Include enough questions to keep the conversation interesting, but not too many to sound like you are interrogating.
  • Start with broad questions and narrow your focus as the conversation continues.
  • Offer feedback to show them you are paying attention and appreciate their time.
  • Don’t insult their intelligence or manipulate them.
  • Listen first, talk second.
  • Be relaxed and conversational.

Telemarketing doesn’t have to be the trauma it’s made out to be. You can put together an honest, personal and effective telemarketing campaign that is endearing, informative and gets the job done. Think of how you would want to be treated on a marketing call. Ask your friends and family what they hate most about the telemarketing calls they get and work hard to craft your plan in a better way.

When selling by telephone, you have approximately thirty seconds to convince the customer to listen to you. You need an opening statement that captures their attention, conveys who you are, what you want and why the prospect should listen.” Jay Abraham

It’s easy to see how direct mail marketing and telemarketing can positively affect your business by bringing in new customers and increasing the level of awareness about your products, services and company branding. Our FREE test drive offers the resources and tools you need to work through these processes and put together the best marketing plan you can.

We provide the following to our clients Marketing Help, Create a successful business strategy and fundaments to grow their business to greater success, we help them overcome the Lead Generation Mistakes than stop grow and we Grow Multi-Million Dollar Businesses. We helped a Dog-Walker go from $500 to $500K in less than 24 months.

Successful business owners take growth actions daily! They take advantage of business opportunities that will allow them to make more money, gain more customers and out market their competition. We help entrepreneurs build a successful business, learn how to create a market dominating position and receive all the leads to build a company that gross MILLIONS or MULTI-MILLIONS in annual sales. Lets get you on the road to greater success by visiting: and for those seeking to start a business. While you are there request for FREE “The 3 biggest Lead Generation Mistakes Small Businesses Make….And How to Overcome Them All”

You can also apply for our Small Business Economic Growth Grant for a huge discount on our $50K online lead generation coaching:


Posted by deonhuff on



Today we’ll talk about shameless self-promotion. That’s right, I said it! Shameless! After all, we are learning from Paris Hilton here.

It’s all about self-promotion! Self-promotion comes in many forms and you can use different tactics to get your name out there. Look at politicians! Talk about self-promotion and in some not so discreet ways, at that. But, seriously, consider some of the major superstars we all know. Madonna, Donald Trump, Howard Stern and Bill Clinton, just to name a few. Promoting your business is very important to your future growth.

We all self promote. Did you raise your hand in class to show the teacher you knew the answer? Of course! That’s self-promotion. This is the kind of self-promotion we are talking about. With dignity, class and the knowledge to back it up. If you self-promote only to prove you don’t really know what you’re talking about, you’re going to lose business.

Natural self-promoters are the former and I want to tell you about the three major traits they have and use to build themselves and their businesses.

  1. The first is position. You need to position yourself around people who can make a difference in your life. You need to do this frequently. You need to wake up every morning and ask yourself “Who can I meet today who will make a difference in my success?” In fact, go a step further, write it in big, bold letters and tape it on your bathroom mirror.

Also consider:

Who can help me meet my goals?

Is it a prospective customer/client? A colleague with contacts? An association with key members who may become prospects?

Don’t settle into interacting with the people who are the easiest to access. You need to reach outside your comfort zone and there you will find a wealth of new connections that will bring you great success.

  1. Now, let’s talk about Style. No, this doesn’t mean you need an Armani suit to bring in more business (though, let’s be honest-it wouldn’t hurt). What this really means is how are you different from your competitors and others in your industry. What makes you memorable with customers?

If you are meeting a lot of people and they don’t remember you once you leave the room, you have a serious problem! This means you have an opportunity to present yourself in a more memorable way.

There are lots of little subtle changes you can make. Reassess your:

  • Business cards
  • Company message
  • Your picture
  • Your wording

Maybe even, your hairstyle (of course, now we’re back to the expensive suit, but it really works!). How your are seen my the general public can aid in your ability to promoting your business to greater success.  The face of your business must be above board and you must manage your image in the local community, on all the social media outlets and your association connected to your business.

You get the idea. There are lots of little ways you can work on making your image and business more successful. Also, consider how you sound on the phone and how you great people at meetings or other events. Think about your 30-sec elevator speech.

  1. The third trait of natural promoters is repetition. You can’t say it once and leave it at that. Successful self-promoters say it as many times as they need until they get a response. Would you remember a commercial for Coca-Cola if you only saw it once, no! You see it over and over and eventually you head out to the store.

You, also, have to make multiple impressions on those you are networking with in order to build brand awareness. Repetition is in direct connection with positioning. Once you find people to network with, reach out and find hundreds more who can help in your success as well.

Make Your Marketing Pop

Posted by deonhuff on July 13, 2014

Make your marketing Pop!

There are 5 major components to good advertising copy: (The order of these is essential to success)

  • Command Attention
  • Showcase Benefits of Products/Services
  • Prove the Benefits
  • Persuade People to Embrace the Benefits
  • Call to Action

Advertising is sales in print. So, you need to think about the unique benefits your products/services offer and showcase that in a persuasive way. You need to emphasize results, not features.

Learn how to “make your marketing Pop” by following the below components below.


Let’s take a minute to talk about each of these components:

  1. Command Attention: This is usually accomplished with the headline. You need an attention-getter that makes people want to know more about your products/services. The best headlines give a vivid portrayal of the benefits or show how a problem can be avoided with your products/services. The headline is the advertisement for the advertisement.
  2. Showcase Benefits: You have to showcase the benefits of your products and services and, more importantly, show how they will solve or prevent a problem. They need to know what’s in it for them. Include useful, factual and clear information to show precisely what the benefits are and how they are going to help the customer.
  3. Offer Proof: This is where you prove what the advertisement is offering. You need to establish you have a method to deliver. Consider information that establishes credibility and past performance.
  4. Persuade: You need to add compelling reasons for your potential customers to purchase your products/services. Use a hard sell approach and create scarcity. This will enact your potential customers to feel like they have to act now. Which leads into the last component.
  5. Call to Action: You need to compel your potential customers to DO something. They need to check out your site, sign up for your newsletter, purchase your products, contact you about services…something. Offer a freebie-a booklet, sample, product, bonus, demo, consult, limited time price…the list goes on. There are lots of ways to get potential customers excited about ordering and help them feel like they are getting an amazing deal.

Good advertisements include all of these components to make your marketing Pop and are not complete without any of them. You can sit down and think through any one of these components, then figure out how to best place them together for the most effectiveness. We can help you with this too. Try our FREE test drive to learn how to put together great advertisements from some of the best in the business.

Our FREE test drive can help you put together a great direct response marketing plan and get you on your way to heightened success.

We provide the following to our clients Marketing Help, Create a successful business strategy and fundaments to grow their business to greater success, we help them overcome the Lead Generation Mistakes than stop grow and we Grow Multi-Million Dollar Businesses. We helped a Dog-Walker go from $500 to $500K in less than 24 months.

Successful business owners take growth actions daily! They take advantage of business opportunities that will allow them to make more money, gain more customers and out market their competition. We help entrepreneurs build a successful business, learn how to create a market dominating position and receive all the leads to build a company that gross MILLIONS or MULTI-MILLIONS in annual sales. Lets get you on the road to greater success by visiting: and for those seeking to start a business. While you are there request for FREE “The 3 biggest Lead Generation Mistakes Small Businesses Make….And How to Overcome Them All”

You can also apply for our Small Business Economic Growth Grant for a huge discount on our $50K online lead generation coaching:

Direct Response Marketing

Posted by deonhuff on July 5, 2014

Direct Response Marketing or Bust!

Direct response marketing is a marketing that demands a direct response from your potential customers. This type of marketing is used to answer questions, present your branding, products and the reason you do what you do. Customers love this, as they are offered the opportunity to response, whether that be in the way of signing up for a newsletter, posting a comment on your site or blog, or purchasing a product from you.

So, what does direct response marketing look like? Well, it comes in many forms, including:

  • Direct mail
  • Print ads
  • Radio and TV ads
  • Coupons or other incentives
  • Telemarketing

Some of the advantages of direct response marketing are:

  • A great way to use free time during lulls in business
  • Productive way to communicate and empower you to create more relationships
  • Great way to up- and cross-sell to current customers
  • Low cost way to rustle up new business
  • Used as leverage to turn small sales into large sales
  • Supplement your current marketing program
  • Cost-effective way to reach target markets
  • Offers measurable results
  • Reach outside your local area for new business
  • Increase the effectiveness of your sales force

These are all great things that can come from just taking a few simple steps to putting together a direct response marketing plan and executing it.

“I honestly don’t think you’ll ever find a safer, lower-risk, higher-profit method of increasing your business or profession than direct-response marketing.” Jay Abraham

Direct response marketing is one of the best ways to launch your business on a large scale and reach out to everyone in your target market whether they are in your local area or not. Our FREE test drive can help you put together a great direct response marketing plan and get you on your way to heightened success.

We provide the following to our clients Marketing Help, Create a successful business strategy and fundaments to grow their business to greater success, we help them overcome the Lead Generation Mistakes than stop grow and we Grow Multi-Million Dollar Businesses. We helped a Dog-Walker go from $500 to $500K in less than 24 months.

Successful business owners take growth actions daily! They take advantage of business opportunities that will allow them to make more money, gain more customers and out market their competition. We help entrepreneurs build a successful business, learn how to create a market dominating position and receive all the leads to build a company that gross MILLIONS or MULTI-MILLIONS in annual sales. Lets get you on the road to greater success by visiting: While you are there request for FREE “The 3 biggest Lead Generation Mistakes Small Businesses Make….And How to Overcome Them All”

You can also apply for our Small Business Economic Growth Grant for a huge discount on our $50K online lead generation coaching:





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